Hello everyone, my name is Mariam , A native Arabic speaker from Egypt and i am here to help you learn Arabic language
I’m using academical method based on perfect materials which will allow you to learn Arabic easily with a fun way .
and it will take you from the basics such as learning simple words and simple grammar all the way up to speak the language fluently
attakallum books is formed from 4 levels
in this course we will cover a0 level for beginners
In this course you will learn
-New 57 words (vocabulary)
– the difference between male and female
-How to say this
– The difference between (lam shamsiyyah and lam qamariiah )
-How to Ask who? And what?
_The yes and no question ?
_How to ask where?
_How to answer where? Using The propositions or here and there
– Days of the week
– 2 Calendars (months)
– Seasons of the year
Please notice that,
- -you will have a summary for the level
- you will have test for the level
- In the source of each video you will have the used materials from attakallum book and your homework
- Send me the homework once it done so i correct it for you
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